our children can hand us an invitation to explore ourselves.

These two are my greatest teachers. To explore myself through them has been a wondrous adventure. The more I lovingly receive myself, the more space I create for them to express their True Nature.

Every day our children can hand us an invitation to explore ourselves.

It can come through a tone of voice, a boundary they push, a opinion they have or even something they do to a sibling. The feelings we have in response to these things, shows us there is something within us needing our loving attention.

Our children are in participation with Life to lead us to our soul's most authentic expression.

Let's not shoot the messenger, but rather embrace the invitation to explore ourselves and our relationship with Self, Others and Life through them.

This is such an exciting journey to embark on. I am here with you. I'm listening. I am so willing to support you to meet these parts with love and compassion

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"Let's raise children who don't have to recover from their childhoods”


protective behaviours