In a moment the connection with ourselves, others and Life can be renewed. A state of flourishing is revived. We knock on the door of our own True Nature.

This experience creates the space for a very specific theme to be addressed in a single session.

It is recommended for new clients seeking to experience working with me. This option is also available to clients who have engaged in a mentorship in the past, who have experienced working with me and are familiar with the practices and process of re-parenting and re-culturing within a psycho-spiritual context.



1 x 50 minute session

1 x Voxer Audio



I am your outer loving presence and it is my intention to:

  • Offer you deep presence, unconditional love, consciousness and connection.

  • Help you to hold the younger parts of yourself with love, compassion and empathy, and to give those younger parts of you what they really needed back then.

  • Support your to free yourself from harmful conditioning

clients say…..