Reconnect 1 month package

We are reminded of our True Nature as Loving and Powerful beings. We feel RECONNECTED to the parts of ourselves longing to be seen, heard and healed.


4 x 50min sessions

1 x Healing Essence/Healing Crystal Grid

4 x 20 minutes of Voxer support each week

Recorded Meditation

4 week journal



$865 (Voxer incl)

I am your outer loving presence and I ma here to support you to is my intention to:

  • Offer you deep presence, unconditional love, consciousness and connection.

  • Help you to hold the younger parts of yourself with love, compassion and empathy, and to give those younger parts of you what they really needed back then.

  • Support you to free yourself from harmful conditioning.

  • Support you to connect to your Inner Loving Presences, your willingness and Conversation with Life.

This mentoring journey consists of 4 x 1:1 online sessions

It is a powerful starting point for experiencing the Marion Method with Attalia.

It provides you with the time and space to explore topics that are alive for you within a month.

It gives you weekly support in meeting yourself with love, empathy and compassion.

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